142 the traveller cuts out a path for himself and where even he has to reckon with malicious wild beasts in the shap^ unknown words that affright him." The professor is indeed. His picture of Bana's poetry is a little overdrawn* No doubt the defect ought to be admitted: the conscious search for double-meaning obscure words and the outrageous ā€¢overloading of single words with long epithets must to a extent mar the beauty of even the best production poetic art. Dharmadasa in his Vidagdhamukha-mandana Speaks of our poet , Among the other merits of our Author, may be i his skill in the constructive art, as seen from his arranged plot and its consistent development. The narration is managed with a nlasteriy hand, the extremely difficult nature of the story. The ingeniot*Sr 'ilj&-terlacing of the double story of Kadambari and Mahasveta Is a sufficient illustration of the poet's excellence in the handling of his plot. In the mattefr of characterisation, he is consistent throughout. The magnanimity of Tarapida, the natural Icind-ness of Vilasavati, the statesmanly foresight of Sukanasa and the faithful affection of Patralekha are highly touching and t tie delineation is extremely lifelike. Again his keen observation of the commonplace sides of human life is well seen from his descriptions of palaces and cities as well as hermitages and forests. " Both in his direct description of natural objects and his poetic imagination, Bana's words breathe a freshness of that bespeak a warm and sincere admiration of tjae ? nature, which the Indian scenery offers to a poetic And in this respect he has very few equals even among oried&i'|i0eiĀ»/? Scenes of overwhelming passion interve*Tie$ -sortQW wSBk Irrt^fible tove and austere penances are depictedthose mediaeval writers of Sanskrit poetry who introduced a revolution in that art by practically asserting the:eezed to minister to his puerile ambition. There is not one mythological incident to which he has not alluded, not one word whose are signifi-e marriage of Parvati and Siva,-s in question either to Bairxa or