of Sanskrit Literature. In the Rig. Veda we occasionally find conversations between supernatural beings and Rishis. As examples, the conversation of Indra, Agastya. gn4 Maruts, and the dialogue between Fama and Yami, may be mentioned. The epics may be called actual dialogues, the whole of the Mahabharata being composed in the form of a dialogue bttween Suta and his disciples. The Upanishads contain «a«y drogue* of which the pathetic conversation between Ujaavalkya apd his wife Maitreyi on the occasion of their mutual separation, may be pointed out as an instance. Gesticulation is one of the instruments are formed. Though gestures cannot same degree of fecility all that can be »*g*, they are the rude beginnings of Even the most polished languages of of the uncujtivated Jargons "caLi * gestures or bodily eloquence, whether it be 7o , rh purpose or for the purpose of tho en i , rhetoncal 1*. - see the useL JsLttfo ^^"fT^--wst.nct of the human race All ar fn , J Pnmary gestures. The laws g ]DcIudes the use of h of the °f Partkular s^timents without which man wotL 1 V™' ^ iS ™ «W childhood and youth thi ? ' ^ ^ "^ he is- fa it V-rmation of a third class of priests called Udgatris. Their business at sacrifices was to chant the Saman which was totally borrowed from the Rig Veda and was adapted to singing. Thus the primeval cultivation of the science and art of music is to be found in the Samaveda.